Blue Ribbon Allied Health Services

Mental Capacity Assessments

Reliable Mental Capacity Assessments

At Blue Ribbon Allied Health Services, we understand the critical importance of Mental Capacity Assessments in securing the rights and well-being of individuals who cannot make specific decisions. Our compassionate professional team is committed to providing comprehensive and reliable Mental Capacity Assessments to support and protect vulnerable individuals.

What is a Mental Capacity Assessment?

A mental capacity assessment is an evaluation to determine if someone can make their own decisions. These decisions can be about everyday things like what to eat, wear, or, more importantly, their health, housing, or money. The assessment may be performed if there are worries about the person’s ability to think or if a condition or injury affects their thinking. It helps us understand if they need support to make decisions or if someone else should make them.

Stages of Mental Capacity Assessment

Different mental capacity assessments may be conducted depending on the specific decision and the individual’s circumstances. Some common types of mental capacity assessments are as follows:

Decision-Specific Assessment

This type of assessment focuses on a particular decision or a set of decisions an individual needs to make. It evaluates whether a person can understand the information relevant to that decision, weigh the pros and cons, and communicate their choices.

Global Mental Capacity Assessment

This assessment aims to determine a person's mental capacity to make decisions across different areas of their life. It examines their ability to understand, use, and communicate information, as well as consider the consequences of their decisions.

Time-Specific Assessment

Some individuals may have fluctuating mental capacities, particularly cognitive impairments or dementia. A time-specific assessment evaluates an individual’s capacity at a particular moment, acknowledging that it may vary over time.

Testamentary Capacity Assessment

This type of assessment specifically focuses on an individual's capacity to make a will. It examines whether a person understands the nature and extent of their estate, the potential beneficiaries, and the implications of their decisions.

When is a Mental Capacity Assessment Necessary?

A Mental Capacity Assessment is necessary for various situations where there are concerns about an individual’s ability to make informed decisions about specific aspects of their life. These situations can include:  


  • Consent to Treatment
  • Cognitive Decline or Dementia
  • Estate Planning and Legal Matters
  • Guardianship and Conservatorship
  • Healthcare Decision Making
  • Financial Decision Making